Aventus Improvement Proposals

Aventus is a scalable, sustainable and interoperable parachain that makes building on Polkadot, Ethereum and beyond accessible for companies in any ecosystem.

🚀 This AIP is active and implemented on the network.

Batch-NFT Standard

Author Aventus Network
Status Active
Type Core
Created 2022-06-10


This proposal introduces support for the minting and sale of Batch NFTs on the AvN.


This standard is designed and created to introduce support for the minting and sale of Batch NFTs on the AvN. This will support use cases and dApps that require minting and managing multiple instances of an NFT.


This includes the creation of public endpoints to process batch sales. It is designed to be as generic as possible when dealing with batch nfts i.e. it doesn’t assume anything about how or where these nfts will be sold. Each batch can hold a single nft to an unlimited number of nfts.

Both NftInfoId and NftBatchId are U256 linking to structs that define the properties of the NFT. The structure for minting batch NFTs is similar to that for minting a single NFT. When minting a single NFT, the total_supply is set to 1 but with minting batch NFTs,the total_supply determines the max number of instances that can be minted in a batch. Given that all data about a batch must be supplied at the batch creation stage, the royalties set apply to all nfts in the batch and is immutable.

The creator here is the AvN account that creates the batch. The creator retains ownership of that batch until all the NFTs are minted. When minting a single NFT, the creator is defined as creator: None.

pub fn create_batch<T: Config>(
    info_id: NftInfoId,
    batch_id: NftBatchId,
    royalties: Vec<Royalty>,
    total_supply: u64,
    t1_authority: H160,
    creator: T::AccountId)
    let info = NftInfo::new_batch(info_id, batch_id, royalties, t1_authority, total_supply, creator);
    BatchInfoId::insert(batch_id, &info.info_id);
    <NftInfos<T>>::insert(info.info_id, info);

The t1_authority is the address of a smart contract that manages the NFT, in this case, an Ethereum smart contract most likely linked to an NFT marketplace. This field cannot be left empty during batch creation.

/// Creates a new batch
#[weight = T::WeightInfo::proxy_signed_create_batch(MAX_NUMBER_OF_ROYALTIES)]
fn signed_create_batch(origin,
    proof: Proof<T::Signature, T::AccountId>,
    total_supply: u64,
    royalties: Vec<Royalty>,
    t1_authority: H160) -> DispatchResult
    let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
    ensure!(sender == proof.signer, Error::<T>::SenderIsNotSigner);
    ensure!(t1_authority.is_zero() == false, Error::<T>::T1AuthorityIsMandatory);
    ensure!(total_supply > 0u64, Error::<T>::TotalSupplyZero);


    let sender_nonce = Self::batch_nonce(&sender);
    let signed_payload = encode_create_batch_params::<T>(&proof, &royalties, &t1_authority, &total_supply, &sender_nonce);
        Self::verify_signature(&proof, &signed_payload.as_slice()).is_ok(),

    let batch_id = generate_batch_id::<T>(Self::get_unique_id_and_advance());
    ensure!(BatchInfoId::contains_key(&batch_id) == false, Error::<T>::BatchAlreadyExists);

    // No errors allowed after this point because `get_info_id_and_advance` mutates storage
    let info_id = Self::get_info_id_and_advance();
    create_batch::<T>(info_id, batch_id, royalties, total_supply, t1_authority, sender.clone());

    <BatchNonces<T>>::mutate(&sender, |n| *n += 1);

    Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::BatchCreated(batch_id, total_supply, sender, t1_authority));


Creating a new batch with a total supply of 50 doesn’t automatically mint all 50 instances of that NFT. NFTs are minted when needed, for example, at the point of sale. The minting process has a validation step which checks that the batch is listed for sale and that there isn’t an attempt to mint more NFTs to a batch than what was stated as the total_supply.

pub fn validate_mint_batch_nft_request<T: Config>(
    batch_id: NftBatchId,
    unique_external_ref: &Vec<u8>) -> Result<NftInfo<T::AccountId>, DispatchError>
    ensure!(batch_id.is_zero() == false, Error::<T>::BatchIdIsMandatory);
    ensure!(BatchInfoId::contains_key(&batch_id), Error::<T>::BatchDoesNotExist);
    ensure!(<BatchOpenForSale>::contains_key(&batch_id) == true, Error::<T>::BatchNotListed);

    let nft_info = get_nft_info_for_batch::<T>(&batch_id)?;
    ensure!((NftBatches::get(&batch_id).len() as u64) < nft_info.total_supply, Error::<T>::TotalSupplyExceeded);


/// Mints an nft that belongs to a batch
#[weight = T::WeightInfo::proxy_signed_mint_batch_nft()]
fn signed_mint_batch_nft(origin,
    proof: Proof<T::Signature, T::AccountId>,
    batch_id: NftBatchId,
    index: u64,
    owner: T::AccountId,
    unique_external_ref: Vec<u8>) -> DispatchResult
    let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
    ensure!(sender == proof.signer, Error::<T>::SenderIsNotSigner);

    let nft_info = validate_mint_batch_nft_request::<T>(batch_id, &unique_external_ref)?;
    ensure!(<BatchOpenForSale>::get(&batch_id) == NftSaleType::Fiat, Error::<T>::BatchNotListedForFiatSale);
    ensure!(nft_info.creator == Some(sender), Error::<T>::SenderIsNotBatchCreator);

    let signed_payload = encode_mint_batch_nft_params::<T>(&proof, &batch_id, &index, &unique_external_ref, &owner);
        Self::verify_signature(&proof, &signed_payload.as_slice()).is_ok(),

    mint_batch_nft::<T>(batch_id, owner, index, &unique_external_ref)?;


Batch nft sale is a two step process.

pub fn encode_list_batch_for_sale_params<T: Config>(
    proof: &Proof<T::Signature, T::AccountId>,
    batch_id: &NftBatchId,
    market: &NftSaleType,
    nonce: &u64) -> Vec<u8>
    return (

List a batch NFT for sale checks that the transaction originator is the creator of the batch and the batch does exist. The batch can be relisted by the creator as long as there are free (unsold) nfts in the batch.

#[weight = T::WeightInfo::proxy_signed_list_batch_for_sale()]
fn signed_list_batch_for_sale(origin,
    proof: Proof<T::Signature, T::AccountId>,
    batch_id: NftBatchId,
    market: NftSaleType,
) -> DispatchResult
    let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
    ensure!(sender == proof.signer, Error::<T>::SenderIsNotSigner);
    ensure!(batch_id.is_zero() == false, Error::<T>::BatchIdIsMandatory);
    ensure!(BatchInfoId::contains_key(&batch_id), Error::<T>::BatchDoesNotExist);
    ensure!(market != NftSaleType::Unknown, Error::<T>::UnsupportedMarket);

    let sender_nonce = Self::batch_nonce(&sender);
    let nft_info = get_nft_info_for_batch::<T>(&batch_id)?;
    //Only the batch creator can allow mint operations.
    ensure!(nft_info.creator == Some(sender.clone()), Error::<T>::SenderIsNotBatchCreator);
    ensure!((NftBatches::get(&batch_id).len() as u64) < nft_info.total_supply, Error::<T>::NoNftsToSell);
    ensure!(<BatchOpenForSale>::contains_key(&batch_id) == false, Error::<T>::BatchAlreadyListed);

    let signed_payload = encode_list_batch_for_sale_params::<T>(&proof, &batch_id, &market, &sender_nonce);
        Self::verify_signature(&proof, &signed_payload.as_slice()).is_ok(),

    <BatchOpenForSale>::insert(batch_id, market);
    <BatchNonces<T>>::mutate(&sender, |n| *n += 1);

    Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::BatchOpenForSale(batch_id, market));


Finally, only the creator of a batch can end the open sale listing of a batch.

pub fn encode_end_batch_sale_params<T: Config>(
    proof: &Proof<T::Signature, T::AccountId>,
    batch_id: &NftBatchId,
    nonce: &u64) -> Vec<u8>
    return (
#[weight = T::WeightInfo::proxy_signed_end_batch_sale()]
fn signed_end_batch_sale(origin,
    proof: Proof<T::Signature, T::AccountId>,
    batch_id: NftBatchId,
) -> DispatchResult {
    let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
    ensure!(sender == proof.signer, Error::<T>::SenderIsNotSigner);
    ensure!(<BatchOpenForSale>::get(&batch_id) == NftSaleType::Fiat, Error::<T>::BatchNotListedForFiatSale);

    let sender_nonce = Self::batch_nonce(&sender);
    let nft_info = get_nft_info_for_batch::<T>(&batch_id)?;
    //Only the batch creator can end the listing
    ensure!(nft_info.creator == Some(sender.clone()), Error::<T>::SenderIsNotBatchCreator);

    let signed_payload = encode_end_batch_sale_params::<T>(&proof, &batch_id, &sender_nonce);
        Self::verify_signature(&proof, &signed_payload.as_slice()).is_ok(),

    let market = <BatchOpenForSale>::get(batch_id);
    end_batch_listing::<T>(&batch_id, market)?;
    <BatchNonces<T>>::mutate(&sender, |n| *n += 1);


New endpoints created for managing batch NFTs.

Call::NftManager(pallet_nft_manager::Call::signed_create_batch(proof, _, _, _)) => return Some(proof.clone()),
Call::NftManager(pallet_nft_manager::Call::signed_mint_batch_nft(proof, _, _, _, _)) => return Some(proof.clone()),
Call::NftManager(pallet_nft_manager::Call::signed_list_batch_for_sale(proof, _, _)) => return Some(proof.clone()),
Call::NftManager(pallet_nft_manager::Call::signed_end_batch_sale(proof, _)) => return Some(proof.clone()),

Backwards Compatibility

This standard is backward compatible with AIP-1.


The batch NFT tests can be found HERE.

Reference Implementation

This proposal is dependent on the following AIPs below:

Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


Please cite this document as:

Aventus Network, "AIP-2: Batch-NFT Standard," Aventus Improvement Proposals, June 2022. [Online serial].
